Thursday, 29 March 2012

Clyfford Still

1957-D No.1 Clyfford Still (1957)

Clyfford Stills work is without titles!
      As before, the pictures are to be without titles of any kind.  I want no allusions to interfere with or assist the spectator!!
Still was a leading first generation abstract Expressionist post war 1957.
This painting is majestic, painted on a massive scale.  Encrusted with texture, visually dynamic and painted with expressive brushstrokes.
The thick impasto oozes and flashes accross the monumental canvas into jagged formation.
Still's canvases depict intense landscapes and natural forms.
As a man Still was known to be difficult and cantankerous.  He dropped out of the New York scene in latter years.   Clyfford Still's work on the other hand is full of personality, drive and personal expression.  Still was not able to relate so well to mixing colour which is why his canvases are rich in tonal colours and not pure colours.
The jagged way in which the paint is applied reveals the layers beneath.



  1. Really nice piece and writing Nikki!

    1. I wondered why he didnt give his work titles? vicki

    2. Hi Vicki

      Clyfford Stills said "I want no allusions to interfere with or assist the spectator."

      He wanted the audience to give his work their own titles! Stills wanted each spectator to absorb his work and find their own inspiration from his paintings!
